Fees and Expenses​

The fees charged by Dwaith Funds are strictly performance-based.  Fund expenses are mostly legal, travel, audit, and administrative in nature. They will constitute less than 0.01% of the fund as the fund scales. The managing partner’s philosophy is to keep the expenses to the bare minimum. The fund will employ no costly analysts, expensive research teams, or marketing and sales teams. The fund will scale based on performance alone. It targets to attract long-term capital from families with the right stewardship attitude. The performance fees will apply once the fund provides a return of over 6%. Beyond 6% returns will be split in the ratio of 3:1 between the investors and managing partner (through DAPL).

The partners will be charged only when the fund is always at all-time highs (in financial parlance – subject to high water marks).

Some of the expenses not charged to the Dwaith Partners and are absorbed by the advisor include:

  • Rent for Facilities and Infrastructure
  • Postage, Copying, and Office Supplies
  • Research reports and Subscriptions
  • Annual meeting and Communication
  • Communication infrastructure expenses (Internet, Mobile, Data, etc)
  • All expenses solely related to managing partner – marketing, asset accumulation, etc
  • Website Development and Maintenance